a Single-cell RNA sequencing of the epididymal white adipose tissue (EpiWAT) stromal vascular fraction (SVF) of C57BL/6 J mice following 6 or 12 weeks of high-fat feeding (Jaitin et al., 2019). Macrophages and monocytes were identified and expression of IRF5 and of GHITM were projected onto tSNE plots per cell type and duration of high-fat feeding. b Heatmap of mean expression values of IRF5, GHITM, ABCG1, SYCE2, FNIP2, ATF5 and LRRC27 over time and by cell type [monocytes (Mono) or macrophages (Mac)]. c Correlative analyses between IRF5 expression and expression of GHITM, ABCG1, SYCE2, FNIP2, ATF5 and LRRC27 at the single-cell level (Pearson’s correlation, Pearson r; two-tailed ***p < 0.0001 and **p = 0.004). Heatmap of IRF5 and GHITM expression, each line represents a single cell. d Heatmap of single-cell expression of IRF5, GHITM, ABCG1, SYCE2, FNIP2, ATF5 and LRRC27 over time and by cell type, each line represents a single cell. e Gene expression of GHITM in bone-marrow-derived macrophages (BMDMs) from mice with myeloid-restricted Cas9-GFP expression, treated with lipofection agent (Ctrl) or with a guide RNA (gRNA) targeting GHITM (gGHITM) and with or without Palm treatment for 2 h (n = 5 for Ctrl, n = 6 for other conditions, one-way ANOVA. ***p = 0.0003, left *p = 0.0423, right *p = 0.0167). Western blotting against GHITM in the same experimental design, quantification and blot in Fig. S8D, S8E (n = 2 per condition). f Oxygen consumption rate (OCR) from extracellular flux analysis in BMDMs with or without Palm treatment following transfection with gGHITM or with lipofection agent alone (Ctrl). Oligomycin (Oli), carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone (FCCP) and Rotenone/Antimycin A (Rot/AA) were administered (n = 5 for Ctrl, Ctrl+Palm and gGHITM; n = 8 for gGHITM + Palm). g Maximal respiration from extracellular flux analysis (n = 5 for Ctrl, Ctrl + Palm and gGHITM; n = 8 for gGHITM+Palm; one-way ANOVA, ****p = 0.000065 and **p = 0.0051). h Maximal respiration from extracellular flux analysis on Palm-treated BMDMs following transfection with a gRNA targeting IRF5 (gIRF5), double transfection with gGHITM and gIRF5 or with lipofection agent alone (Ctrl) (n = 3 per condition; one-way ANOVA, *p = 0.0428). Data presented as mean ± SEM. Source Data file provided.