Table 2.
Outcome category
Examples | |
Offending Outcomes (Outcomes that refer to things that are against the law) | Violent offending (including weapon carrying), substance abuse, other offending and reoffending |
Behavioural Outcomes (Outcomes that refer to the way in which someone acts) | Aggression; alcohol use/misuse; anti‐social and offending behaviour; externalizing behaviour; gang involvement and anti‐social peers; social skills and pro‐social behaviour; group membership and participation in community‐based activities (volunteering); time use |
Psychosocial and cognitive outcomes (Psychosocial and cognitive) | Self‐esteem and self‐worth; mental health and resilience; self‐control and regulation (impulsivity) |
Attitudes and beliefs (An attitude refer to how someone thinks or feels about something whereas a belief is an acceptance that something is true) | Pro‐social values: attitudes to aggression and use of violence; attitudes to crime and responses to crime (including drug use); attitudes to police and justice system and other authority |
Family functioning/social support | family adult relationships; Quality of family relationships and family functioning, Improved interpersonal relationship with peers; social cohesion; safe spaces; engagement in education and academic achievement; practical life skills. |