Fig 2.
Drug administration and wake report collection. a: Hypothetical drug dosing diagram illustrating experimental paradigm for serial wake reports, which results in multiple wake reports per subject. b: Distribution of analysed wake reports by state in each experimental condition. States coded as W (wake; connected consciousness pre-drug), CC (connected consciousness with drug), DC (disconnected consciousness), or Unc (unconsciousness). Additional wake-ups were attempted (Att), but the data were unusable because of either no verbal response (NVR) or ambiguous answers that could not be confidently classified (Amb). The final analysed counts by condition were (Dex) 330=398Att–12NVR–56Amb, (Prop) 88=104Att–7NVR–9Amb, and (Sleep) 188=202Att–2NVR–12Amb. c: Distribution of wake states across modelled plasma drug concentrations of Dex and Prop. d: Distribution of wake states by level of responsiveness as assessed by the OAAS. Dex, dexmedetomidine; OAAS, Observer's Assessment of Alertness/Sedation; Prop, propofol.