FIG. 6.
Fluorescence microscopic localization of RsfA-GFP in sporulating cells or in vegetative cells engineered to produce ςF. (A and B) Sporulating cells (t180) of the wild type (A [strain 1242]) or spoIIIE36 mutant (B [strain 1254]) containing the rsfA-gfp fusion. (C and D). Cells of strains containing an IPTG-inducible spoIIAC gene allowing ectopic synthesis of ςF in vegetative cells and either the rsfA-gfp fusion (C [strain 1253]) or a Pgpr-gfp fusion (D [strain 1252]) 120 min after the addition of IPTG. (Left panels) GFP signals showing the localization of the GFP fusions. (Middle panels) DAPI signals showing the nucleoids. (Right panels) Overlays of the GFP and corresponding DAPI images. Arrows point to some of the prespore compartments.