FIG. 4.
Glucose affects the growth of the JNOX1 mutant and the NOXase activity of the SAM1 wild-type strain. (A) Glucose rescues the JNOX1 mutant growth defect in liquid C medium. Wild-type SAM1 and mutant JNOX1 were cultured for 20 h under low-O2 conditions (static growth) in liquid C medium. Cultures were then diluted to an optical density at 600 nm (OD600) of 0.015 in liquid C medium and grown again under low-O2 conditions in the presence or absence of 1% glucose at 37°C. The OD600 was measured every hour for 7 h. Data presented are representative of at least five independent experiments. (B) Glucose affects NOXase specific activity. At the 4-, 5-, and 6-h time points, aliquots were removed from the cultures described in the legend to panel A and assayed for NOXase specific activity. Data presented represent the mean and standard deviation of samples analyzed in triplicate and are representative of at least five independent experiments.