Fig. 1.
Representative images of neocortex sections from EAE-affected mice, sacrificed at 24 h from disease onset and immunostained for CD45 (a; cs 3.5), IBA1 (b; cs 3.5), CD45/CCL2 (c; cs 3.5), and IBA1/CCL2 (d; cs 3.5). a Low magnification of neocortex layers I-II shows a few, amoeboid, CD45high monocyte/macrophage cells. b IBA1+ ramified, microglia-like cells are recognizable in the neocortex. c A venule (V) in the subcortical white matter surrounded by amoeboid, CD45high/CCL2− infiltrating monocytes/macrophages (arrows), CCL2 colocalization with CD45 on perivascular cells (arrowheads), and CD45−/CCL2+ perivascular (ramified; pv) and juxtavascular (elongated; jv) cells. d In the same subcortical area, a postcapillary venule (V) and its closest capillary tracts (C) are surrounded by IBA1+/CCL2+ ramified cells (arrowheads). TOPRO-3 nuclear counterstaining. Scale bars: a 50 µm; b–d 25 µm