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. 2022 Aug 31;22:274. doi: 10.1186/s12871-022-01808-0

Table 2.

Pupil measurement comparisons

PIH (n = 31) no-PIH (n = 30) P
BPD, mm 3.946 [3.415–4.387] 4.166 [3.679–4.752] 0.286
MPD, mm 3.248 [2.756–3.709] 3.300 [2.998–3.538] 0.931
PCL, s 0.200 [0.167–0.233] 0.184 [0.133–0.300] 0.483
PCT, s 0.433 [0.400–0.500] 0.417 [0.392–0.500] 0.618
ACV, mm/s 1.696 ± 0.577 2.118 ± 0.474 0.003
MCV, mm/s 2.736 ± 1.128 3.855 ± 0.882 < 0.001
1/MCV, s/mm 0.372 [0.302–0.476] 0.260 [0.224–0.314] < 0.001
CR, % 82.841 ± 5.903 78.602 ± 4.762 0.003

BPD Baseline Pupil Diameter, MPD Minimum Pupil Diameter, PCL Pupil Constriction Latency, PCT Pupil Constriction Time, ACV Average Constriction Velocity, ACV=BPD-MPDPCT; MCV Maximum Constriction Velocity, 1/MCV the reciprocal of MCV, CR Constriction Ratio (%),CR=MPDBPD×100%

Normally distributed results were reported as means ± standard deviation (x¯ ± s), while non-normally distributed data were reported as the median [interquartile range]. Categorical data were reported as numbers (%)