FIG 5.
Vaccine-elicited antibody levels are similarly correlated regardless of immune status. (A to C) Postvaccination serum samples were compared by neutralization versus RBD binding (A), neutralization versus NP binding (B), and RBD binding versus NP binding (C). Serum sample data are labeled based on prevaccination immune status. Pink, seropositive, 17 participants, 61 samples; orange, seronegative, 33 participants, 91 samples; purple, unknown immune status, 18 participants, 26 samples. (A) Dashed line represents the limit of detection. Samples without neutralization detected are plotted at half the limit of detection. (B, C) Dashed line represents the background level for each assay. Spearman r values for each group (seropositive, seronegative, and unknown) are noted.