Figure 1.
Measurement schedule for assessing physical activity over a 12- to 15-month period in Women’s Lifestyle Validation Study groups 1–4, United States, 2010–2012. Participants were randomly selected into 4 different groups. Groups 1 and 3 had the same data collection timeline, with the exception that doubly labeled water (DLW) was measured in phase 1 for group 1 and phase 3 for group 3. Groups 2 and 4 also had the same data collection timeline, with the exception that DLW was measured in phase 2 and phase 4, respectively. A subgroup of group 1 participants was randomly selected for a second DLW measurement (DLW2) which was taken at month 9, 12, or 15. In all groups, accelerometer and DLW measurements were taken within the same phase but not during the same week. ACT24, Activities Completed Over Time in 24 Hours; PAQ1, first physical activity questionnaire; PAQ2, second physical activity questionnaire; RPR, resting pulse rate.