Metatranscriptome mapping to the reference genomes of Porphyrobacter sp. AAP82 (IMG 2551306481) (A), Variovorax paradoxus S110 (IMG 644736413) (B), and Dyadobacter sp. HH091 (IMG 222279) (C). Moving inward, the subsequent two rings show coding DNA sequences (CDSs) in forward (brown) and reverse (green) strands. Blue and yellow plots indicate GC content and a GC skew ([GC]/[G+C]]. Key features of possible competitive and plant-bacteria interaction pathways are marked with the following colors: purple, transporter, efflux pumps and secretion systems; orange, signal transduction and regulation mechanisms; green, polysaccharide degradation; red, competitive interactions; blue, bacteria-plant interaction pathways.