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. 2022 Jul 12;10(4):e00373-22. doi: 10.1128/spectrum.00373-22


Allergenicity pattern of the predicted B-cell epitopes generated from LEGPH protein TolB

Method Start End Peptide Length (aa)a Allergenicity
BepiPred linear epitope prediction 66 77 SGPQGANSQSSV 12 Nonallergen
404 417 AREGDVQEPAWSPY 14 Allergen
Chou and Fasman beta turn prediction 194 200 SWSPNGK 7 Nonallergen
294 300 SGRGGSP 7 Nonallergen
Emini surface accessibility prediction 206 212 SFEKKKA 7 Nonallergen
277 287 IDTEPRYSPDG 11 Nonallergen
Karplus and Schulz flexibility prediction 160 166 QRNGGRS 7 Allergen
308 314 ADGQISR 7 Nonallergen
Kolaskar and Tongaonkar antigenicity scale 5 23 IISLFLLLFTGQVIALDLE 19 Nonallergen
243 252 GQHLAVVLSK 10 Nonallergen
Parker hydrophilicity prediction 174 180 DADGHNP 7 Allergen
283 289 YSPDGRS 7 Nonallergen

aa, amino acids.