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. 2020 Mar 17;81(3):676–687. doi: 10.3348/jksr.2020.81.3.676

Table 4. Regions Showing Significant Differences in Functional Connectivity when Using the Left Superior Parietal Gyrus and Left Inferior Temporal Gyrus as Seeds.

Brain Regions Peak MNI Coordinates Voxels (n) Peak t Value
x y z
Seed: left superior parietal gyrus
 HC > firefighter
  Right superior frontal 24 68 12 383 5.41
  Right precentral gyrus 42 2 48 108 5.02
  Right fusiform gyrus 32 12 −44 100 4.97
  Left superior frontal gyrus −24 60 22 53 4.37
  Left inferior orbital gyrus −24 28 −22 50 4.34
  Left superior frontal gyrus −30 54 0 42 4.12
 Firefighter > HC
  Right lobule VIII of cerebellar hemisphere 26 −50 −54 150 7.85
  Left parahippocampal gyrus −12 −2 −20 95 4.66
  Right fusiform gyrus 36 −38 −16 66 4.37
  Right lobule IV, V of cerebellar hemisphere 30 −38 −28 76 3.97
Seed: left inferior temporal gyrus
 HC > firefighter
  Left superior temporal gyrus −60 −24 2 74 4.31
  Right precentral gyrus 52 0 34 104 4.20
  Left middle temporal gyrus −48 −58 −4 53 4.16
 Firefighter > HC
  Left lobule IX of cerebellar hemisphere −2 −25 −46 64 4.51
  Right lobule VI of cerebellar hemisphere 30 −52 −32 53 4.17

The regions that survived a threshold of uncorrected voxel-wise p < 0.001, uncorrected cluster-wise p < 0.05.

HC = healthy control, MNI = Montreal Neurological Institute