Increased expression of Nr2f1 in the cortices of Bcl11a/b-DCKO mice. (A) CUT&Tag experiments show Bcl11a binds to a conserved region of the Nr2f1 gene. Schematic of the mouse Nr2f1 gene locus (bottom) and CUT&Tag using a Bcl11a antibody (top) are shown. The Bcl11a binding region with a consensus binding site is shown (black rectangle). (B–D″) In situ hybridization shows Nr2f1 expression in the control (B–D), Bcl11a-CKO (B′–D′), and Bcl11a/b-DCKO (B″–D″) mice. (E–G′′) Increased Nr2f1 expression in the ventricular zone and cortical plate of the Bcl11a-CKO (E′–G′) and Bcl11a/b-DCKO (E′′–G′′) mice compared to the controls at E15.5 (E–G). (H–J) The FPKM value of Nr2f1 gene based on RNA-seq data at E13.5, E15.5, and P0 (Student's t-test, N.S., not significant, *P < 0.05, ***P < 0.001, n = 3, mean ± SEM). (K–K″) Immunohistochemistry shows Nr2f1 expression in control (K), Bcl11a-CKO (K′), and Bcl11a/b-DCKO (K″) mice at P0. Scale bars: 200 μm in D″ for B–D″; 300 μm in G′′ for E–G′′, 200 μm in K″ for K–K″.