Fig. 1. Brain-stimulation reward-associated cue lights reinstate optical intracranial self-stimulation (oICSS) behavior.
a Representative images illustrating ChR2-mCherry expression in the VTA, NAc and mPFC in DAT-Cre mice after intra-VTA AAV-ChR2 microinjection. 10×, scale bar = 1500 μm; 20×, scale bar = 200 μm. b Schematics of laser stimulation: one active nose poke resulted in the delivery of a 3-s laser stimulation and a 5-s cue light, while inactive pokes had no consequences. The pulse was a 20-Hz 473 nm blue laser with a 15-ms pulse duration. c Mean numbers of nose pokes in active and inactive holes during the last 3 sessions of the acquisition, the last 3 sessions of extinction, and the cue reinstatement test. oICSS-associated cue lights reinstated active-poke responses after the extinction of oICSS. One-way RM ANOVA revealed a cue priming main effect: F(1,5) = 14.414, P = 0.013. Post hoc Bonferroni tests revealed statistically significant differences in cue-induced active-poke responses (*P < 0.05, compared to the mean of the last 3 sessions of extinction, n = 6). d Cue-induced reinstatement of oICSS in mice with intra-VTA AAV-ChR2 microinjection but with optical fiber implantation into the NAcore for oICSS. One-way RM ANOVA: cue priming main effect: F(1,4) = 64.306, P = 0.001. Post hoc Bonferroni tests indicated significant differences in cue-induced active-poke responses (**P < 0.01, compared to the mean of last 3 sessions of extinction, n = 5). e Cue-induced reinstatement of oICSS in mice with intra-NAshell fiber implantation for oICSS. One-way RM ANOVA: cue priming main effect: F(1,9) = 14.731, P = 0.004. Post hoc Bonferroni tests indicated significant differences in cue-induced active nose-poke responses (**P < 0.01, compared to extinction, n = 10). f Cue-induced reinstatement of oICSS in mice with intra-mPFC-IL fiber implantation for oICSS. One-way RM ANOVA: cue priming main effect: F(1,8) = 56.760, P < 0.001. Post hoc Bonferroni tests indicated significant differences in cue-induced reinstatement responses (***P < 0.001, compared to extinction, n = 9). g Mice with intra-VTA AAV microinjection and intra-mPFC-PL fiber implantation did not acquire oICSS (n = 6).