The expression of COOLAIR and COLDAIR is activated by WRKY63. A, The FLC structure and the fragments used for the RT-qPCR assay. Arrows indicate the primer sets in RT-qPCR. The blocks represent transcribed regions of FLC, COLDAIR and COOLAIR. The dashed lines indicate intron regions. B, The relative expression of FLC, COLDAIR, Class I COOLAIR (COOLAIR I), and Class II COOLAIR (COOLAIR II) in wrky63-1, wrky63-2, and WT treated with 0, 2, or 4 weeks of vernalization (nV, 2wV, and 4wV). C, Transient transcriptional activity assays of COOLAIRpro::LUC, COLDAIRpro::LUC, and GRP7pro::LUC. The firefly LUCIFERASE (LUC) driven by the COOLAIR promoter, COLDAIR promoter, or GRP7 promoter were co-transformed with the effector 35S::WRKY63 and the 35Spro::mcherry control. RLU represents firefly LUCIFERASE normalized by co-expressed 35Spro::Renilla luciferase. The value of above assays represents means ±sd. These experiments were performed with three biological replicates showing comparable results. **P < 0.001, *P < 0.05 (Student’s t test). RLU, relative light units.