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. 2022 Aug 30;13:21501319221119692. doi: 10.1177/21501319221119692

Table 2.

Experience With Technology (Pre-COVID n = 63, Post-COVID n = 84).

a. Access to technology % With any access % Who do use dailya
Type of device Pre-COVID Post-COVID P-value Pre-COVID Post-COVID P-value
Tablet computer 50.8 60.5 .244 28.6 38.3 .223
Laptop 52.4 56.8 .598 25.4 35.8 .181
Desktop 54.0 42.0 .153 15.9 27.2 .106
Smart TV 58.7 64.2 .503 34.9 55.6 .014*
Fitness Tracker 31.7 40.7 .267 15.9 22.2 .340
b. Confidence using technology Pre-COVID Post-COVID P-value
n % n %
I feel confident. . . (agree/strongly agree)
 Using the internet 40 64.5 58 73.4 .254
 Using computer programs 36 58.1 61 78.2 .010*
 Using digital technology effectively 30 48.4 56 70.9 .007**
 I can judge whether online content is trustworthy 33 53.2 54 69.2 .052
 Information shared on social media is trustworthy 21 33.9 24 30.4 .659
c. Comfort with computer functions n % n % P-value
I feel comfortable. . . (comfortable/very comfortable)
 Powering on a computer 34 56.7 60 75.9 0.016*
 Logging on/off a computer 32 54.2 60 76.9 .005**
 Adjusting the volume on a computer 38 64.4 67 85.9 .003**
 Adjusting the video on a computer 30 50.8 60 76.9 .001**
 Using a computer camera 23 39.0 57 72.2 .000***
 Using a computer microphone 23 39.7 57 73.1 .000***
 Troubleshooting common problems on a computer 19 31.7 54 68.4 .000***
 Opening an internet browser 29 48.3 59 75.6 .001**
 Performing an internet search 33 54.1 60 75.9 .007**
d. In the past month, have you ever
 Participated in an online chat 39 62.9 61 77.2 .063
 Contacted provider via email 10 16.1 38 48.7 .000***
 Scheduled an appointment online 11 17.7 27 34.2 .029*
 Filled a prescription through the phone 14 22.6 40 51.3 .001**
 Looked up health information online 9 14.8 29 36.7 .004**

Percentages based on the number who report having any access to the type of device.

χ2: *P < .05; **P < .01; ***P < .001.