Figure 2.
Alpha and Beta Diversity for patient eyes treated with eyedrops (“Eyedrops”) and contralateral eyes without eyedrops (“No Treatment”). Patients were defined as study participants with a diagnosis of unilateral glaucoma, receiving eyedrop treatment in the glaucomatous eye (“eyedrops,” treated) but not the contralateral eye (“no treatment,” untreated). (A) There were no differences in alpha-diversity measures between the treated (n = 16) and untreated eye samples (n = 15) in Shannon diversity (P = 0.363, Kruskal-Wallis). There were no significant differences in microbiome composition between patient eyes treated with drops compared with untreated eyes, as no differences were seen in beta-diversity based on Bray Curtis distances (P = 0.352, R2 = 0.02406, PERMANOVA). The axis values in beta-diversity plots are the percentage of variance of phylogenetic beta diversity.