IFT of Chlamydomonas ARL13 is rare. (A) Gallery of still images and corresponding kymograms showing ciliary movements of ARL13-NG and ARL13F53A-NG in arl13 and bbs4-1 arl13 cilia. Arrowheads mark anterograde and open arrows retrograde IFT of ARL13; the dashed circles mark putative IFT events. The ciliary tips (T) and bases (B) are indicated. Bars = 2 µm and 2 s. (B) Western blot of control (g1, WT), arl13, arl3, and bbs4-1 cilia probed with antibodies against IFT81, PLD, FAP12, ARL13, and IC2. The quantification of the band strengths normalized for those of IC2 is shown in brackets and is based on one experiment. (C) Western blot of control (g1, WT), arl13, arl13 ARL13F53A-NG, and arl13 ARL13-NG cilia probed with antibodies against IFT81, PLD, FAP12, ARL13, and IC2 as a loading control. The quantification of the band strengths normalized for those of IC2 is shown in brackets and is based on one experiment. (D) Violin plot of the run lengths, i.e., distance transported processively by IFT, of ARL13-NG, and ARL13F53A-NG in the arl13 and the bbs4-1 arl13 strains. Transport of ARL13F53A-NG was more processive than that of ARL13-NG in arl13 and arl13 bbs4-1 mutants. The P values of a two-tailed t test are indicated; see Table 2 for additional information. Source data are available for this figure: SourceData F4.