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. 2022 Sep 1;5(5):e806. doi: 10.1002/hsr2.806

Table 2.

Obstetric history distribution of PIH and NTP women

Variables Category PIH (n = 70) (%) NTP (n = 70) (%) p Value (two‐tailed) 95% CI
Parity Nulliparous 37.1 40.0 0.54 0.58, 2.85
Primipara 25.7 27.1
Multipara 37.1 32.9
Gravidity Primigravida 60.0 44.3 0.27 0.27, 1.04
Multigravida 40.0 55.7
History of multipartner Yes 5.70 2.90 0.36 0.07, 2.56
No 94.3 97.1
Family history of high BP Yes 8.60 2.90 0.03* 0.056, 1.57
No 91.4 90.0
Do not know 0.00 7.10

Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CI, confidence interval; NTP, normotensive pregnant; PIH, pregnancy‐induced hypertension.

*p < 0.001.