Figure 5.
Tregs and NK-like Th1 cells in IN and SC vaccinated mice
(A) Relative abundance of Tregs in IN and SC samples, expressed as percent of total cells in each sample.
(B) Violin plot showing average expression of tolerogenic Treg cytokines Tgfb1 (TGFβ), Il10 (IL-10), and Il4 (IL-4), IN compared to SC.
(C) Relative abundance of cluster 12 cells (NK-like Th1) in IN and SC samples, expressed as percent of total cells in each sample.
(D) UMAP for Nkg7, an NK marker highly expressed in multiple SC-enriched populations including cluster 12.
(E) UMAP for chemokine Ccl5, showing focal expression by cluster 12 cells.
(F) Heatmap of average cluster expression of NKT1 marker genes identified in thymic Cd1d tetramer-positive cells (see: Engel et al., Figure 5). (Engel et al., 2016) Markers are primarily upregulated in NKT1 cells but include a subset of 4 genes downregulated in NKT1 (Atpif1, Ckb, Rexo2, Emb).