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. 2022 Aug 19;13:953898. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2022.953898


Summary of QTLs associated with the identified root-related traits under drought stress.

S. no. Trait Ch QTL name LOD Additive effect R2 (%) TR2 Left flanking marker position (cM) Right flanking marker position (cM) Left flanking marker Right flanking marker
1 RSR 2 qrsr-01 3.54 −0.1946 7.18 0.2598 64.75 74.75 CNC_021161.1.14160111 CNC_021161.1.28928681
4 qrsr-02 3.19 −0.1620 6.17 0.2564 380.66 381.55 CNC_021163.1.32600157 CNC_021163.1.32600103
5 qrsr-03 3.67 0.2083 7.18 0.2568 289.68 294.26 CNC_021164.1.32536050 CNC_021164.1.32971044
6 qrsr-04 3.66 0.2203 9.32 0.2825 463.55 473.88 CNC_021165.1.46709195 CNC_021165.1.52150911
2 RLD 7 qrld-01 5.13 0.6382 10.99 0.2170 144.63 145.96 CNC_021166.1.17179431 CNC_021166.1.17179406
3 RDW 4 qrdw-01 4.50 0.3234 11.56 0.2545 218.92 223.15 CNC_021163.1.30731371 CNC_021163.1.30731330
4 RDW/TDW 5 qrdwtdw-01 3.26 −0.0262 8.89 0.1742 362.47 371.31 CNC_021164.1.3036101 CNC_021164.1.6394203

RSR, root-shoot ratio; RLD, root length density; RDW, root dry weight; RDW/TDW, ratio of root dry weight to total plant dry weight; Ch, chromosome number; LOD, logarithm of odds; R2, proportion of the variance explained by genetic effect; TR2, proportion of the total variance explained by the model including covariates.

The italic values provided indicates the names assigned to QTLs identified for different traits, in the present study.