Facial photos of individuals with molecularly-confirmed Williams syndrome of different racial and/or ethnic backgrounds aged 2 months to 52 years. Distinctive features in infants and children include broad forehead, peri-orbital fullness, flat bridge of the nose, full cheeks, long philtrum, and a small delicate chin. Many adolescents and adults continue to have micrognathia, and the face often elongates over time while the nasal bridge is no longer flat, and there is fullness of the lips with a wide mouth (especially appreciated when smiling).
Parents or caregivers for all pictured individuals signed consent for publication of their family member’s image. The presence of more male than female photos in adolescents and adults solely reflects availability of subjects.
Note: This material is labeled as Fig. 4 in the published version of the paper DOI: 10.1038/s41572-021-00276-z.