Fig. 2.
LDHA overexpression promoted P7 CM proliferation in vitro.
(A) Ki67 staining in P7 CMs (539 CMs from 12 images of 6 mice in Adv-NC and 866 CMs from 12 images of 6 mice in Adv-LDHA groups). (B) pH3 staining in P7 CMs (1297 CMs from 24 images of 6 mice in Adv-NC and 1486 CMs from 24 images of 6 mice in Adv-LDHA groups). (C) Aurora B staining in P7 CMs (3342 CMs from 6 mice in Adv-NC and 3797 CMs from 6 mice in Adv-LDHA groups). (D) Time-lapse images of P7 CM cytokinesis (4479 CMs from 5 mice in Adv-NC and 4357 CMs from 5 mice in Adv-LDHA groups). (E) Analysis of CM cell nucleation in isolated P7 CMs (1963 CMs from 6 mice in Adv-NC and 2190 CMs from 6 mice in Adv-LDHA groups). (F) Scheme depicting the cross-breeding of α-MHC-H2B-mCh mice with the CAG-eGFP-anillin proliferation indicator mice. (G–I) Example of a P7 double transgenic CM expressing eGFP-anillin (green) and aurora B (white) after LDHA overexpression and the frequency of regular and irregular midbodies identified by anillin or aurora B staining (5103 CMs from 5 mice in Adv-NC and 2240 CMs from 5 mice in Adv-LDHA groups). Bars = 50 μm (left) and 20 μm (right) in A and B, 20 μm in C, E and G, and 50 μm in D. Statistical significance was calculated using an unpaired t-test in A-D and two-way ANOVA in E and H–I; *P < 0.05. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)