A) Left: Retina cryosections from control and
RetΔGlut1 mice immunolabeled for RHO (red) and
counterstained with DAPI (blue) at P12 (top row) and P30 (bottom row). OS
lengths were estimated with ImageJ from images of cryosections like those shown
from P12 and 1-month control and RetΔGlut1 mice. Right:
Bars indicate average ± SD for 3 mice. Scale bar indicates 50
B) Left: Retina cryosections from control and
RetΔGlut1 mice immunolabeled for cone opsin (green)
and counterstained with DAPI (blue) at P12 (top row) and P30 (bottom row). OS
lengths were estimated with ImageJ from images like those shown at left, from
P12 and 1-month control and RetΔGlut1 mice. Right: Bars
indicate average ± SD for 3 mice. Scale bar indicates 50 μm.
C) Western blots showing relative GLUT1 (5 μg/well), Rhodopsin
(RHO) (0.25 μg/well) and rod arrestin (ARR1) (0.25 μg/well) levels
in retina lysates from control and RetΔGlut1 mice aged
P12, P20 and P30. The ratio of density signals for rhodopsin relative to ARR1 at
various ages was estimated from retinas of control and
RetΔGlut1 mice. Data points indicate average
± SD for 3 mice.
D) Relative transcription levels for rhodopsin (Rho)
and rod arrestin (Arr1) estimated from real-time RT-PCR
analysis with probes for mouse, rho and Arr1
for retinas of P30 control and RetΔGlut1 mice. Bars
indicate average ± SD for 3 mice
E) Left: Western blots showing relative M-opsin and cone arrestin
(ARR3) levels in retina lysates (2.5 μg/well) from control and
RetΔGlut1 mice aged P30. Right: Ratio of density
signals for M-opsin and ARR3 relative to vinculin at P30 estimated from retinas
of control and RetΔGlut1 mice. Bars indicate average
± SD for 3 mice
F) Relative transcription levels for M-opsin and cone arrestin
estimated from real-time RT-PCR analysis with probes for mouse
Opn1mw and (Arr3) for retinas of P30
control and RetΔGlut1 mice. Bars indicate average
± SD for 3 mice.