Intranasal 5-A-RU administration results in moderately higher mucosal polysaccharide responses. (A) Serum time-course, (B) serum day 35 endpoint, and (C) BALF day 35 endpoint OSP-IgG ELISAs. Data are represented as ELISA units measured kinetically and normalized to positive control pooled serum from WT B6 mice intranasally vaccinated with live V. cholerae. (D-F) Frequency of total B cells (B220+) as a percentage of live cells in (D) lung, (E) BALF, and (F) MLN. (G-I) Frequency of naive B cells (IgD+) as a percentage of B220+ cells in (G) lung, (H) BALF, and (I) MLN. (J-L) Frequency of class-switched memory B cells (IgD- CD38High) as a percentage of B220+ cells in (J) lung, (K) BALF, and (L) MLN. Data are represented as Median with IQR from 2 independent experiments. n=8-10 mice per group. P values determined by 2-tailed Mann-Whitney U test.