Summary of the response of B. distachyon to inoculation with H. seropedicae (HS) in two nitrogen conditions. At 0.5 mM NH4NO3 HS causes increase of leaf area, elongation of primary root, and shortening of root hairs. Inoculated plants also depleted NH4+ faster from the medium. Their nitrate uptake genes NRT2.1 (both time points) and NRT1.1 (28 DAT) in shoot have higher expression, corresponding to behavior at low NO3−. At 5 mM NH4NO3 inoculated plants show longer primary roots and shorter root hairs than non-inoculated plants. They deplete less NO3− from the medium. Yellow stars indicate significant differences by non-invasive phenotyping. Relative expression, as ratio of inoculated versus non-inoculated is shown in the heat maps, with high (dark blue) and low ratio (white); asterisks indicate significant t-test in the inoculated versus non-inoculated plants. N-form uptake (gray triangles): increased depletion from medium (upright traingle), decreased depletion (inverted triangle). Control, non-inoculated; +HS, inoculated plants; LR, lateral roots; PR, primary root; RH, root hairs.