Fig. 2. Interrupted time series analysis (ITSA) of the preterm birth rate across different socioeconomic statuses in China, 2012–2020.
a advantaged in singleton births; b disadvantaged in singleton births; c the result of ITSA in singleton births across population; d advantaged in mutiple births; e disadvantaged in mutiple births; f the result of ITSA in multiple births across population. Dots indicate true monthly preterm birth rates and solid lines indicate the mean of estimated preterm birth rates per month by ITSA model, and red solid lines indicate the mean of estimated preterm birth rates per month assuming that COVID-19 mitigation measure had not occurred by ordinary least-squares regression with Newey-West standard errors. Women who were illiterate, or had only primary school education, who were unmarried, or who had fewer than five antenatal visits were defined as the disadvantaged group. On the contrary, women with middle school or above education, married, and had more than five antenatal visits were defined as the advantaged group. Baseline: from January 1, 2012 to January 31, 2020; Intervention stage: from February 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Intercept change: change in level compared with the previous stage; Slope change: change in trend compared with the previous stage, per month. CI confidence interval, COVID-19 Coronavirus disease 2019. The p values are two-sided.