Digital Economy Index |
Digital infrastructure (A1) |
Hardware infrastructure (B1) |
Internet Broadband Access Port Density (C1) |
Long-distance fiber optic cable line density (C2) |
Local telephone exchange capacity (C3) |
Software infrastructure (B2) |
Number of websites (C4) |
Number of web pages (C5) |
Number of Ipv4 addresses (C6) |
Number of domain names (C7) |
Digital industry (A2) |
Digital industrialization (B3) |
Telecommunications Service Volume (C8) |
Mobile Phone Production (C9) |
Production of Integrated Circuits (C10) |
Microcomputer Equipment Production(C11) |
Software business revenue (C12) |
Revenue from Information Technology Services (C13) |
Information transmission, computer services and software industry employees (C14) |
Industry digitization (B4) |
Express delivery volume (C15) |
E-commerce transaction volume (C16) |
Number of websites per 100 enterprises (C17) |
Percentage of enterprises with e-commerce transaction activities (C18) |
Digital finance (A3) |
Breadth of coverage (B5) |
Refer to Guo et al. (2020) |
Depth of application (B6) |
Refer to Guo et al. (2020) |
Digitization level (B7) |
Refer to Guo et al. (2020) |