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. 2020 Dec 3;226(4):608–615. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiaa747

Table 1.

Sample Characteristics of 582 Health Care Workers from Boende Health Zone in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, November 2015

Characteristic No. (%)
Age, y, median (interquartile range)a 40 (31–50)
 Unknown 4 (0.7)
 18–39 y 288 (49.5)
 40–59 y 247 (42.4)
 60 y or older 43 (7.4)
 Male 375 (64.4)
 Female 207 (35.6)
 None 18 (3.1)
 Started primary school 37 (6.4)
 Finished primary school 212 (36.4)
 Finished secondary school 225 (38.7)
 Apprentice 4 (0.7)
 College/university or graduate school 86 (14.8)
Civil status
 Single 84 (14.4)
 Married or cohabitating 477 (82.0)
 Divorced, separated, or widowed 21 (3.6)
Was ever present for an Ebola outbreak
 Yes 530 (91.1)
 No 52 (8.9)
Has ever worked as a health care worker in an Ebola outbreakb
 Yes 432 (83.6)
 No 85 (16.4)
Has ever had contact with a confirmed, probable, or suspected EVD case?
 Yes 90 (15.5)
 No 471 (80.9)
 Don’t know 21 (3.6)
Current health care worker type
 Nurse 171 (29.4)
 Administrator 32 (5.5)
 Room attendant 97 (16.7)
 Hygiene service 84 (14.4)
 Traditional healer or pastor 54 (9.3)
 Red Cross worker 18 (3.1)
 Midwife 43 (7.4)
 Otherc 83 (14.3)
Contact with patients in current position
 Direct 299 (51.4)
 Indirect 201 (34.5)
 No contact 82 (14.1)
Suspected they were infected with ebolavirus during the last outbreakd
 Yes 28 (5.3)
 No 432 (81.5)
 Don’t know 70 (13.2)
ADI GP result, units/mL
 0–1 266 (45.7)
 > 1–2.5 185 (31.8)
 > 2.5–5 96 (16.5)
 > 5 35 (6.0)

Abbreviations: ADI GP, Alpha Diagnostic International glycoprotein; EVD, Ebola virus disease.

aFour participants did not know their age.

bThirteen missing responses.

cThe other category comprised physicians, epidemiologists, communication specialists, technicians, students, and maintenance workers.

dFifty-two participants had not been present for an Ebola outbreak and were not eligible for the question.