Granule cells from Sprague-Dawley rat decrease the sEPSC and firing
frequency after activation of HCAR1. (a) Example traces of sEPSCs
measure during baseline condition (black) and following application of
40 µM 3Cl-HBA (red). (b) Cumulative distributions of sEPSCs frequency
were analyzed by using Kolmogorov-Smirnov test:
P < 0.0001 versus HCAR1 activation. (c) Summary of
recorded cells showing a decreased frequency of sEPSC by 27% induced by
3Cl-HBA compared to baseline (one sample t, n = 13,
mean = 72.77 ± 35.96, P = 0.018). (d) sEPSC amplitude
showed no statistically significant changes between baseline and 3Cl-HBA
application (one sample t, n = 13, mean = 103.2 ± 18.38,
P = 0.0049). Frequency and amplitude are shown in
percentage compared to baseline. (e) Summary graph of the effect of
HCAR1 activation on neuronal firing frequency following steps of current
injection. The maximum number of action potentials evoked was calculated
for each condition. No difference was observed (paired t test, n = 7,
Baseline: mean = 51.69 ± 16.79, 3Cl-HBA: mean = 47 ± 11.59,
P = 0.13). (f) The current injected to reach the
maximum firing frequency was calculated for each condition. HCAR1
activation significantly decreases the current needed for reaching the
maximum firing frequency (paired t test, n = 13, Baseline:
mean = 327.7 ± 96.79, 3Cl-HBA: mean = 270 ± 80.31,
P = 0.0049). Values are means ± SD,
*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01,
***P < 0.001 versus 3Cl-HBA application.