Table 3.
Behavioral assessment results - pre and post auditory training
SSI-ICM | Speech with noise | DNV | SSW | |||||||||
Initial | Final | Initial | Final | Initial | Final | Initial | Final | |||||
Mean | 66,2% | 86,4% | 68,8% | 80,1% | 8,62 | 10,93 | 72,0% | 89,2% | ||||
Median | 70,0% | 90,0% | 68,0% | 80,0% | 9,00 | 12,00 | 72,5% | 92,5% | ||||
Standard Deviation | 17,8% | 13,1% | 10,8% | 7,0% | 2,52 | 1,78 | 12,0% | 11,0% | ||||
CV | 26,8% | 15,1% | 15,6% | 8,8% | 29,2% | 16,2% | 16,6% | 12,4% | ||||
Quartile 1 | 50,0% | 80,0% | 64,0% | 76,0% | 7,00 | 11,00 | 65,0% | 87,5% | ||||
Quartile 3 | 80,0% | 100% | 76,0% | 84,0% | 11,00 | 12,00 | 82,4% | 95,0% | ||||
Size | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 | 58 | ||||
CI | 4,6% | 3,4% | 2,8% | 1,8% | 0,65 | 0,46 | 3,1% | 2,8% | ||||
p-value | <0,001* | <0,001* | <0,001* | <0,001* |
Legend: SSI-ICM - synthetic sentence identification with ipsilateral competing message;
DNV - directed attention non-verbal dichotic test;
SSW - staggered spondaic word test;
CV - coefficient of variation;
CI - confidence interval;
p-value - deemed statistically significant