Cumulative distribution function of DE in
miR‐290‐295_KO for different gene groups. Colored log2FoldChange (log2FC) distributions correspond to different identification methods for
miR‐290‐295 target genes based on different datasets (Fig
Integrative approach refers to the 360 miR‐290‐295‐targeted genes out of the 759 candidate miRNA target genes that have been identified in the integrative analysis of this paper (Fig
TargetScan targets were filtered for three strongly expressed members of the miR‐290‐295 cluster and from these the top 360 (in terms of TargetScan/context++ score) are shown.
AGO2‐binding targets were first filtered by seed matches to the same three strongly expressed miR‐290‐295 members, then the 360 targets with the strongest binding signals were selected.
miRNA_KO‐upregulated genes are the 3609
genes used in the integrative analysis (see Materials and Methods section).