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. 2022 Aug 22;7:948811. doi: 10.3389/fsoc.2022.948811

Table 1.

Descriptive of living with (without) a disability respondent.

Variables % Living without a disability (N = 39,902) % Living with a disability (N = 2.100)
Partner or ex-partner physically violent against me
(Self-completion questionnaire: My partner or an ex-partner has been physically violent against me)
Yes 15.1 24.0
Finding with household income
(Which comes closest to how you feel about your household's income nowadays?)
0. Finding it difficult or very difficult on present income 37.1 59.3
1. Living comfortably or coping with present income 62.9 40.7
Educational Level
(What is the highest level of education you have achieved)
0. Primary 27.6 45.9
1. Secondary 50.2 43.2
3. Tertiary 22.2 11.0
0. No more than 30. 17.2 2.8
1.More than 30 82.8 97.2
Marital Status
(Are you currently married or in a civil partnership?)
1. Married or in a civil partnership 60.9 51.2
2. No Married or in a civil partnership 39.1 48.8
Partner drunk
(How often does your partner drink so much that he/she gets drunk?)
1. No drunk usually 96.4 94.9
2. Drunk more than once a week 3.6 5.1
Partner violent against other
(Has your partner ever been physically violent toward anyone outside the family?)
0. no 94.8 94.2
1. yes 5.2 5.8
Duration of the relationship
(Duration of the relationship)
0. More than 10 years 67.5 83.2
1. Under 10 years 32.5 16.8
Comparison with a partner earning
(Does your partner earn less than you, or are your earnings roughly the same, or does your partner earn more than you?)
0. Same or more 87.6 89.4
1. Partner less 12.4 10.6
Equal say in economic decisions
(Do you feel you have an equal say about the use of the household income?) 40.3 54.1
Yes 59.7 45.9
No 40.3 54.1
Since 15 years, someone other physically violent against me
(Self-completion questionnaire: Since 15 years, somebody other than partner/ex-partner has been physically violent against me)
0.No 89.8 84.1
1.Yes 10.2 15.9
Rec When under 15 years old, somebody was physically violent against me
(L05. Self-completion questionnaire: When under 15 years old, somebody was physically violent against me)
0. No 87.2 79.7
1. Yes 12.8 20.3