A) Cryo-EM image from
Figure 1B indicating the image subregions from the normalized MIP that were used to calculate the histograms in B-E. (
B) Histogram showing the distribution of pixel-wise 2DTM SNRs in the normalized MIP resulting from 2DTM using the template in
Figure 1A, corresponding to the cytoplasmic (red) or nuclear (blue) subregions of the image in (A). Only values below the threshold allowing a single false positive per image (2DTM SNR = 7.85) are shown. (
C) As in (B), showing the indicated subset of the histogram. (
D) As in (B) showing the 2DTM SNRs in the cytoplasmic (red) and vacuole (dark blue). (
E) As in (D), showing the indicated subset of the histogram.