Integration of two nationwide databases and categorization of data into transplantation eras. The JLTS and JOTNW databases were integrated and then categorized into three eras. The first 100 cases were categorized as Era1 (January 1999‐January 2011). The next 423 cases were divided into Era2 (January 2011‐December 2015) and Era3 (December 2015‐March 2019). Subsequently, patients aged <18 years (n = 73) and a patient who died intraoperatively (n = 1) were excluded from all categories. Finally, 449 cases, consisting of Era1 (n = 85), Era2 (n = 185), and Era3 (n = 179), were included in this study. JLTS, Japanese Liver Transplantation Society; JOTNW, Japan Organ Transplant Network