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. 2022 Apr 19;6(5):712–725. doi: 10.1002/ags3.12573


Univariate analyses and LASSO regression analysis for 1‐year graft loss

A 1‐year graft survival, % Univariate
Variables P value OR 95%CI
Recipient factor
Sex: male (vs female) 89.2 (vs 89.9) 0.80 1.08 0.59‐2.00
Age (vs <40 years) (vs 88.1) 0.51 1.30 0.60‐2.82
40‐59 years 90.9 0.39 0.74 0.38‐1.46
≥60 years 87.3 0.86 1.08 0.45‐2.58
Primary liver disease (vs acute liver failure) (vs 86.6) reference
Cirrhosis (hepatocellular, viral) 88.3 0.70 0.85 0.38‐1.92
Cirrhosis (hepatocellular, non–viral) 89.5 0.59 0.76 0.28‐2.08
Cirrhosis (cholestatic, BA) 91.3 0.37 1.62 0.57‐4.61
Cirrhosis (cholestatic, non–BA) 80.0 0.30 0.62 0.25‐1.53
Metabolic disease 100.0 1.00 0.00 0.0–∞
Others 100.0 1.00 0.00 0.0–∞
Re–transplantation: yes (vs no) 77.6 (vs 92.0) <0.001 3.29 1.716.35
Ascites: moderate (vs none‐mild) 87.2 (vs 91.8) 0.11 1.64 0.89‐3.04
Encephalopathy: ≥Ⅲ (vs ≤Ⅱ) 82.8 (vs 90.5) 0.08 1.99 0.934.27
Medical condition: in ICU (vs not in ICU) 83.3 (vs 91.9) 0.01 2.28 1.234.22
Dialysis: yes (vs no) 89.0 (vs 90.0) 0.76 1.11 0.56‐2.19
Anti‐hepatitis C antibody positive (vs negative) 90.7 (vs 89.3) 0.69 0.85 0.38‐1.90
BMI (vs <25.0 kg/m2) (vs 90.4) reference
25.0‐34.9 kg/m2 86.8 0.29 1.44 0.74‐2.81
≥35.0 kg/m2 100.0 1.00 0.00 0.0–∞
MELD score (vs <20) (vs 91.5)
20‐29 91.4 0.96 1.02 0.482.17
30‐39 82.4 0.05 2.31 1.005.36
≥40 72.7 0.06 4.06 0.9517.4
Donor factor
Sex: male (vs female) 89.7 (vs 89.2) 0.87 0.95 0.52‐1.75
Age (vs <40 years) (vs 90.9) reference
40‐59 years 91.8 0.76 0.90 0.441.83
60‐69 years 81.7 0.06 2.25 0.975.21
≥70 years 40.0 0.004 15.0 2.397.0
Hypertension: yes (vs no) 91.4 (vs 89.0) 0.74 0.87 0.39‐1.94
Diabetes mellites: yes (vs no) 100.0 (vs 89.1) 1.00 0.00 0–∞
BMI (vs <25.0 kg/m2) (vs 90.6) reference
25.0‐34.9 kg/m2 85.1 0.13 1.69 0.87‐3.30
≥35.0 kg/m2 100.0 1.00 0.00 0–∞
Alcohol history: yes (vs no) 87.8 (vs 89.8) 0.21 2.07 0.66‐6.46
Smoking history: yes (vs no) 90.9 (vs 89.1) 0.54 0.82 0.44‐1.54
Anti‐hepatitis B core antibody positive (vs negative) 91.5 (vs 89.3) 0.64 0.78 0.27‐2.27
Cause of death (vs Trauma) (vs 89.3) reference
Cerebrovascular disease 88.3 0.80 1.11 0.49‐2.48
Anoxia 91.3 0.62 0.80 0.33‐1.95
Others 100.0 1.00 0.00 0.0–∞
Duration on respirator (vs <7 days) (vs 90.1) reference
7‐27 days 88.9 0.69 1.13 0.61‐2.11
≥28 days 92.3 0.80 0.76 0.09‐6.16
Catecholamine index (vs <10.0) (vs 91.8) reference
10.0‐29.9 84.1 0.04 2.11 1.044.26
≥30.0 63.6 0.005 6.38 1.7723.1
Sodium, maximum (vs <160 mEq/L) (vs 91.2) reference
160‐179 mEq/L 87.6 0.23 1.47 0.782.77
≥180 mEq/L 75.0 0.07 3.45 0.8813.6
Sodium, last ≥160 mEq/L (vs <160 mEq/L) 88.9 (vs 89.6) 0.11 1.03 0.99‐1.06
Total bilirubin, maximum (vs <3.0 mg/dL) (vs 91.1) reference
3.0‐4.9 mg/dL 82.4 0.10 2.20 0.865.69
≥5.0 mg/dL 70.0 0.004 4.41 1.5912.2
Total bilirubin, last (vs <3.0 mg/dL) (vs 91.1) reference
3.0‐4.9 mg/dL 80.8 0.12 2.27 0.81‐6.34
≥5.0 mg/dL 70.0 0.12 2.85 0.75‐10.8
AST, maximum (vs <100 IU/L) (vs 89.0) reference
100‐999 IU/L 90.8 0.55 0.82 0.43‐1.56
≥1000 IU/L 82.1 0.30 1.76 0.60‐5.15
AST, last ≥100 IU/L (vs <100 IU/L) 86.9 (vs 89.9) 0.47 1.35 0.60‐3.05
ALT, maximum (vs <100 IU/L) (vs 89.1) reference
100‐999 IU/L 90.3 0.68 0.88 0.47‐1.63
≥1000 IU/L 86.7 0.77 1.25 0.27‐5.87
ALT, last ≥100 IU/L (vs <100 IU/L) 87.9 (vs 89.8) 0.67 1.20 0.51‐2.83
GGT, maximum ≥150 IU/L (vs <150 IU/L) 87.3 (vs 91.0) 0.25 1.46 0.77‐2.80
GGT, last ≥150 IU/L (vs <150 IU/L) 86.7 (vs 90.6) 0.31 1.47 0.71‐3.05
Creatinine, last ≥1.5 mg/dL (vs <1.5 mg/dL) 89.3 (vs 89.6) 0.94 1.03 0.48‐2.23
Image findings of steatosis: present (vs absent) 89.3 (vs 91.1) 0.71 0.82 0.28‐2.40
Number of declines for donor reason ≥3 (vs <3) 82.5 (vs 90.2) 0.13 1.96 0.81‐4.71
Surgical factor
Split liver transplantation: yes (vs no) 91.9 (vs 89.3) 0.63 0.74 0.22‐2.50
Simultaneous liver and kidney transplantation: yes (vs no) 100.0 (vs 89.1) 1.00 0.00 0–∞
Total ischemic time (vs <9.0 h) (vs 95.2) reference
9.0‐10.9 h 90.3 0.08 2.12 0.914.96
11.0‐12.9 h 77.0 <0.001 5.91 2.6213.3
≥13.0 h 68.2 <0.001 9.25 3.1327.3
Transplantation era (vs Era1) (vs 84.7) reference
Era2 87.6 0.52 0.79 0.37‐1.65
Era3 93.9 0.02 0.38 0.170.87
B Coefficient β OR exp (β)
Recipient factor
Re–transplantation: yes (vs no) 0.545 1.724
Encephalopathy: ≥Ⅲ (vs ≤Ⅱ) 0.000 1.000
Medical condition: in ICU (vs not in ICU) 0.383 1.466
MELD score (vs <20) reference
20‐29 0.000 1.000
30‐39 0.291 1.338
≥40 0.473 1.605
Donor factor
Age (vs <40 years) reference
40‐59 years 0.000 1.000
60‐69 years 0.390 1.476
≥70 years 0.869 2.385
Catecholamine index (vs <10.0) reference
10.0‐29.9 0.262 1.300
≥30.0 0.642 1.901
Sodium, maximum (vs <160 mEq/L) reference
160‐179 mEq/L 0.000 1.000
≥180 mEq/L 0.518 1.678
Total bilirubin, maximum (vs <3.0 mg/dL) reference
3.0‐4.9 mg/dL 0.079 1.082
≥5.0 mg/dL 0.544 1.723
Surgical factor
Total ischemic time (vs <9.0 h) reference
9.0‐10.9 h 0.000 1.000
11.0‐12.9 h 0.923 2.541
≥13.0 h 1.152 3.164
Transplantation era (vs Era1) reference
Era2 0.000 1.000
Era3 0.170 0.842
Intercept – 2.876 0.056

Bold emphasis indicates variables with P values <0.10 in the univariate analyses (A) and variables with non‐zero coefficient in the LASSO analysis (B). Abbreviations: ALT, alanine aminotransferase; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BA, biliary atresia; BMI, body mass index; CI, confidential intervals; GGT, gamma‐glutamyl transpeptidase; ICU, intensive care unit; LASSO, the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator; MELD, Model for End‐stage Liver Disease.