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. 2022 Aug 23;13:966239. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.966239


List of the best-known bioactive peptides detected in PR cheese samples after in vitro simulated digestion.

Amino Acids Sequence Protein Position Reported biological effect References
QL α-S1-casein 97–98 DPP-IV Inhibitory/anti-diabetic Barati et al., 2020
EAMPAK β-casein 100–105 Antimicrobial Sedaghati et al., 2016
YY α-S1-casein 165–166 ACE-inhibitory Fuglsang et al., 2003
YLG α-S1-casein 91–93 Antioxidant/improves cognitive decline del Mar Contreras et al., 2013; Nagai et al., 2019; Amigo et al., 2020
EL α-S1-casein 39–40, 141–142, 148–149 Antioxidant Suetsuna et al., 2000
HKEMPFPK β-casein 106–113 Antimicrobial Sedaghati et al., 2016
YL α-S1-casein 91–92, 94–95 ACE-inhibitory Mullally et al., 1996
AVPYPQR β-casein 177–183 Antioxidant/Antimicrobial/ACE-inhibitory Rival et al., 2001; Tonolo et al., 2020
VLPVPQK β-casein 170–176 Antioxidant/Antimicrobial/ACE-inhibitory/Wound healing/Osteoanabolic/anti-apoptotic effect Shanmugam et al., 2015; Vij et al., 2016; Devi et al., 2020
RELEEL β-casein 1–6 Antioxidant Liu et al., 2020
AMKPW α-S2-casein 189–193 ACE-inhibitory Maeno et al., 1996
EMPFPK β-casein 108–113 Increase MUC4 expression/Bradykinin-Potentiating/Antimicrobial/ACE-inhibitory Pihlanto-Leppälä et al., 1998; Perpetuo et al., 2003; Plaisancié et al., 2015; Sedaghati et al., 2016
SDIPNPIGSENSEK α-S1-casein 180–193 Antimicrobial Hayes et al., 2006
VLPVPQ β-casein 170–175 Inhibition of cholesterol solubility Jiang et al., 2020
YPEL α-S1-casein 146–149 Antioxidant Suetsuna et al., 2000
LNVPGEIVE β-casein 6–14 ACE-inhibitory Gobbetti et al., 2000
YPVEPF β-casein 114–119 Opioid/Increase MUC4 expression/DPP-IV Inhibitory/Antioxidant/Antimicrobial Jinsmaa and Yoshikawa, 1999; Plaisancié et al., 2015; Nongonierma and Fitzgerald, 2016; Nongonierma et al., 2018
GPFPI β-casein 203–207 Cathepsin B Inhibitory Nakagomi et al., 2002
VYPFPGPIPN β-casein 59–68 Antioxidant Eisele et al., 2013
VYPFPGPI β-casein 59–66 prolyl endopeptidase-inhibitory Asano et al., 1992
YQEPVLGPVRGPFPIIV β-casein 193–209 immunomodulatory, antithrombin, Antimicrobial, ACE-inhibitory, Immunomodulatory Yamamoto et al., 1994; Birkemo et al., 2009
Gamma-Glu-Tyr DPP-IV Inhibitory, potential functional ingredients in type 2 diabetic diet Lu et al., 2021
Gamma-Glu-Phe Promotion of cholecystokinin (CCK)/and glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) secretion Lu et al., 2021
Gamma-Glu-Leu DPP-IV Inhibitory, potential functional ingredients in type 2 diabetic diet Lu et al., 2021