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. 2022 Aug 22;24(8):e37611. doi: 10.2196/37611

Table 7.

Analysis of mean support for use of artificial intelligence (AI) in specific scenarios, 95% CIs, and P values for testing against a mean of 3. A score <3 represents support, and a score of >3 represents oppositiona.

Domain and scenario Estimated mean (95% CI) P valueb Design effect
General—support for the development of AI (B01c) 2.35 (2.31-2.39) <.001 1.83

Data sharing for quality care (C04) 2.90 (2.83-2.98) .01 1.65

Nonexplainable hospital algorithms (C03) 3.25 (3.18-3.32) <.001 1.57

Deskilling physicians (C05) 3.39 (3.31-3.46) <.001 1.62

Targeted compliance checking (D03) 2.98 (2.91-3.06) .64 1.62

Automated parent support (contestability; D05) 3.06 (2.99-3.13) .10 1.60

Nonexplainable job services (D04) 3.19 (3.12-3.26) <.001 1.59

aMeans and CIs adjusted for weighting.

bP value for t test that the mean score was 3.0 using complex samples.

cCode in parentheses (eg, B01) indicates question number in instrument.