Figure 4.
Outcome of competitive fitness experiments in mPCLS and hPCLS after 4 h and 8 h. Serial P. aeruginosa isolates from mild courses (upper panel) and severe courses (lower panel) were grouped by colonization time in CF patients’ lungs time in early, intermediate and late isolates (see Supplementary Tables S4 / S5 for details). Relative growth changes are shown for the individual strains of the three groups. The number of data points per group depends on the number of isolates assigned to that group. Since early/late isolates were assigned to the first/last quartile of the infection period, respectively, the intermediate isolates extend to the inner two quartiles and are therefore quantitatively superior. Statistics and thus the significance were calculated with the help of Kruskal-Wallis. All p-values were corrected for multiple testing by Bonferroni correction.