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. 2022 Sep 5;10:145. doi: 10.1186/s40168-022-01323-x

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Validation of new oligonucleotide probes targeting subsets of the genus Streptococcus. Each newly designed probe was hybridized to pure cultures simultaneously with existing probes targeting genus Streptococcus and most Bacteria. 15 pure cultures were hybridized; 7 are shown here and the remaining 8 are shown in Additional file 1. A Probe Scri995 targeting S. cristatus. B Probe Sgor63 targeting S. gordonii. C Probe Smit371 targeting S. mitis and its close relatives and S. cristatus. D probe Smit651 targeting S. mitis and its close relatives. For each probe set, image acquisition and linear unmixing were carried out under the same conditions using Zeiss ZEN software. Images were imported into FIJI and the range of display intensities was kept constant for each fluorophore (each column in the figure); for cultures where the fluorescence was dim in all channels, the display range was then additionally adjusted by a constant factor for all images in the row in order to improve visibility of cells; these rows are marked (*). All probes hybridized with their expected targets and showed negligible cross-hybridization to unexpected targets. A full list of oral Streptococcus species and their matches and mismatches to each probe is shown in Additional file 1. (RRX: Rhodamine Red X; TRX: Texas Red X). Scale bars = 5 micrometers