Table 2.
Overview of software packages compliant with ASL-BIDS. An asterisk indicates extensive testing with 51 non-public, clinical datasets from a variety of ASL techniques.
Tool/Software | Description | Available at |
ASL processing software packages | ||
ASLDRO30 | Open source tool to generate BIDS-compliant simulated ASL digital reference object data. Raw ASL time series comprising control, label and M0 volumes are synthesized from ground truth images according to configurable acquisition and labelling parameters. | |
ASL-MRICloud31 | Cloud based tool for processing ASL data. It supports processing of single and multi-PLD data and NIfTI input. JSON and ASL-BIDS are currently not supported. | |
ASLPrep32 | ASL data preprocessing and cerebral blood flow computation pipeline, designed for easy accessibility, state-of-the art interface, and robustness to acquisition variations. BIDS and ASL-BIDS are supported. | |
ASLtoolbox33,34 | One of the first Matlab toolboxes for processing ASL data. It contains a graphical user interface and processes single and multi-PLD data. It accepts input in NIfTi, but does not support JSON or ASL-BIDS. | |
BASIL35 | Toolbox within the FMRIB Software Library providing the tools to analyze ASL datasets with quantification based on Bayesian inference principles. The toolbox accepts both single- and multi-PLD, and also Time-encoded and vessel-selective ASL data in NIfTI-format. Support for ASL-BIDS is in development. | |
*ExploreASL4 | ExploreASL an SPM-based toolbox for processing, statistical analysis, and quality control of ASL datasets. ExploreASL fully supports ASL-BIDS input. |; |
All listed tools are free for non-commercial use.