Fig. 4. Dose-adjusted ESC concentrations in serum for Phase I and II by CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 metabolizer groups.
During Phase I, A CYP2C19 IM + PMs showed higher mean ESCadj concentrations relative to NMs, whereas there was no significant difference in ESCadj concentrations between NMs and RM + UMs. B A significant difference in ESCadj concentrations was not observed between CYP2D6 metabolizer group. During Phase II, for the ESC-Only treatment arm, C CYP2C19 and D CYP2D6 IM + PMs compared to NMs had higher ESC levels in serum. In the ESC + ARI treatment arm, ESCadj serum levels were associated with only C CYP2C19, but not D CYP2D6, with higher ESCadj concentrations in CYP2C19 IM + PMs relative to NMs. All linear regression analyses were adjusted for age, ancestry, sex, recruitment site, time since last dose, CYP2C19 and CYP2D6 metabolizer groups. Error bars represent standard error. ARI aripiprazole, ESC escitalopram, IM intermediate metabolizer, NM normal metabolizer, PM poor metabolizer, RM rapid metabolizer, UM ultra-rapid metabolizer. *q < 0.05; **q < 0.01; ***q < 0.001; # indicates trend with q between 0.050 and 0.070.