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. 2015 Sep 8;82(2):203–208. doi: 10.1016/j.bjorl.2015.03.015

Table 1.

Outcomes evaluated between groups treated with bacterial cellulose and autologous fascia grafts, for treatment of perforated tympanic membrane.

Outcomes Type of graft
BC Fascia
N 20 20

 Male 06 (30%) 08 (40%) 0.5073a
 Female 14 (70%) 12 (60%)

Age 38.15 ± 12.63 34.5 ± 10.16 0.3204b

TMP location
 Right ear 7 (35.0%) 11(55.0%) 0.2036a
 Left ear 13 (65.0%) 9 (45.0%)

TMP size
 Small 14 (70.0%) 14 (70.0%) 1.000a
 Medium 6 (30.0%) 6 (30.0%)

Surgical time (min) 14.06 ± 5.23 76.50 ± 17.92 <0.0001b*

TMP closure
 General 18 (90.0%) 16 (80.0%) 0.3758a

By size
 Small 14 (100%) 13 (92.9%) 0.6264a
 Medium 04 (66.7%) 03 (50%) 0.5582a

Hospital cost estimatec
 Per patient 30.00 388.94
 Total 600.00 7778.80 <0.0001c

Risk and efficacy analysis
 RR% 0.5 0.3758a
 ARR 10%
 Efficacy 50%

BC, Bacterial cellulose; TMP, Tympanic membrane perforation; RR, Relative risk; ARR, Absolute risk reduction.

Values in mean ± SD and n (%).


Qui-squared test.


Student's t test, significant if (*) p ≤ 0.05.


Hospital cost estimate, according to the table of costs for surgical procedures of the Brazilian Unified Health System (SUS); values in Reais (R$). Mann–Whitney test.