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. 2022 Aug 28;19:101212. doi: 10.1016/j.ssmph.2022.101212

Table 1.

Descriptives statistics and correlations.

Panel A: Descriptive statistics Mean Median S.D. Min Max
Spouse prescription usage t 0.29 0 0.45 0 1
Spouse prescription usage t+1 0.26 0 0.44 0 1
Spouse prescription usage t+2 0.24 0 0.43 0 1
Both types, present year t 0.08 0 0.27 0 1
Personal equity 249585.14 33963 3704869.54 −1,01,00,00,000 20,10,00,000
Job change 0.15 0 0.52 0 2
Education 159.24 168 38.92 0 252
Female 0.34 0 0.47 0 1
Age 44.11 44 9.21 14 88
Personal income 267675.12 237255.61 339475.79 −70,29,068 8,22,05,893
Panel B: Correlations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Spouse prescription usage t
2 Both types, present year t 0.0607***
3 Personal equity 0.0067*** 0.0130***
4 Job change 0.0274*** 0.0129*** −0.0054***
5 Education 0.001 −0.0107*** 0.0298*** 0.0116***
6 Female −0.0207*** 0.0830*** −0.0103*** −0.0169*** −0.0591***
7 Age 0.0745*** 0.0684*** 0.0686*** −0.0909*** −0.0516*** −0.0650***
8 Personal income 0.0121*** 0.0069*** 0.1626*** 0.0022 0.1009*** −0.0564*** 0.0848***

Note: Panel A of this table presents descriptive statistics. Panel B presents correlations. 255,442 observations. Coefficients marked with ***, **, or * are significant at the p < 0.01, 0.05, or 0.10 level, respectively. Spouse prescription usage in t, t+1, t+2, are indicator variables taking the value of 1, if the spouse had at least one prescription in the respective year, and 0 otherwise. Both types, present year t is an indicator variable taking the value 1, if the focal person had at least one prescription in the given year, and 0 otherwise. Personal equity is the focal person's net worth (in DKK). Job change is a categorical variable with Group 1 taking the value of 1, if the focal person changes to unemployment and Group 2 taking the value of 2, if the focal person changes to a new job, and 0 otherwise. Education denotes the months of education of the focal person. Age is the focal person's age (in years). Personal income is the focal person's income (in DKK, EUR exchange rate fixed at 7.45).