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. 2000 Jun;182(11):3142–3150. doi: 10.1128/jb.182.11.3142-3150.2000


Bacterial strains and plasmids

Strain or plasmid Genotypea Construction, selection, source, or referenceb
P. aeruginosa strains
 PAM1020 PAO1 prototroph 17
 PAM1032 nalB1032 17
 PAM1033 nfxB1033 17
 PAM1034 nfxC1034 17
 PAM1262 (K879) met-9011 amiE200 rpsL pvd-9 mexB::ΩHg K. Poole
 PAM1154 oprM::ΩHg 17
 PAM1014 nfxC oprM::ΩHg 17
 PAM1610 nalB1032 ΔmexEF-oprN::ΩHg 17
 PAM1409 ΔmexCD-oprJ::Gm 17
 PAM1275 mexB::ΩHg PAM1020 × (PAM1262); HgCl2c
 PAM1277 nfxB1033 mexB::ΩHg PAM1033 × (PAM1262); HgCl2
 PAM1438 nalB1032 nfxB1438 Selection on LBA + levofloxacin at 1 μg/ml and ABS at 20 μg/ml from PAM1032
 PAM1465 nfxB1438 mexB::ΩHg PAM1438 × (PAM1262); HgCl2
 PAM1466 nalB1032 ΔmexCD-oprJ::Gm PAM1438 × (PAM1409); Gm
 PAM1278 nfxC1034 mexB::ΩHg PAM1034× (PAM1262); HgCl2
 PAM2281 nalB2281 nfxC1034 Selection on LBA + levofloxacin at 1 μg/ml and EFS at 5 μg/ml from PAM1034
 PAM2282 nalB2282 nfxC1034 Selection on LBA + levofloxacin at 1 μg/ml and EFS at 5 μg/ml from PAM1034
 PAM1610 ΔmexEF-oprN::ΩHg 17
 PAM2359 nalB2281 ΔmexEF-oprN::ΩHg PAM2281 × (PAM1610); HgCl2
 PAM2360 nalB2282 ΔmexEF-oprN::ΩHg PAM2282 × (PAM1610); HgCl2
 PAM2302 nalB2281 nfxC1034 nfxB2302 Selection on LBA + levofloxacin at 1 μg/ml, ABS at 20 μg/ml, and EFS at 5 μg/ml from PAM2281
 PAM2303 nalB2281 nfxC1034 nfxB2303 Selection on LBA + levofloxacin at 1 μg/ml, ABS at 20 μg/ml, and EFS at 5 μg/ml from PAM2282
 PAM2387 oprM::ΩHg nfxC1034 nfxB2303 PAM2303 × (PAM1014); HgCl2
 PAM1064 mexA-phoA::Tc 17
 PAM1116 nalB1032 mexA-phoA::Tc Integration of plasmid pSUP202-mexA-phoA (Tcr Cbr Cmr) in the chromosome of PAM1032; Tcr Cbr
 PAM2454 nalB1032 mexA-phoA::Tc oprM::ΩHg PAM1116 × (PAM1014); HgCl2
 PAM2455 mexA-phoA::Tc oprM::ΩHg PAM1064 × (PAM1014); HgCl2
 PAM1194 oppA::Tc Transposon mutagenesis with D171; Tc
 PAM2386 nalB1032 oppA::Tc PAM1032 × (PAM1194); Tc
 PAM1316 oprM::ΩHg oppA::Tc PAM1194 × (PAM1014); HgCl2
 PAM2458 oprM::ΩHg mexA-phoA::Tc oppA::Tc PAM1194 × (PAM2455); HgCl2
E. coli strains
 ECM1194 (AMS6) wt 18
 ECM1642 marR1642 Selection on LBA + chloramphenicol at 10 μg/ml from ECM1194
 ECM1694 ΔacrAB::Km ECM1194 × (ECM1343); Km
 ECM1668 marR1642 ΔacrAB::Km ECM1642 × (ECM1343); Km
 ECM1749 marR1642 ΔacrAB::Km/pLQ821 ECM1668/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1750 ΔacrAB::Km/pLQ821 ECM1694/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1735 marR1642 ΔacrAB::Km/pAL261 ECM1668/pAL261; Ap
 ECM1640 ΔacrAB::Km/pAL261 ECM1694/pAL261; Ap
 ECM1748 wt/pLQ821 ECM1194/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1730 wt/pAL261 ECM1194/pAL261; Ap
 ECM1751 marR1642/pLQ821 ECM1642/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1754 marR1642/pAL261 ECM1642/pAL261; Ap
 ECM1776 (UTL2) ΔmdfA::Km 7
 ECM1174 (ZK796) F araD139 Δ(argF-lac)205 ptsB5301 ptsF25 relA1 rpsL150 deoC1 flbB tolC::Tn10 R. Kolter
 ECM1556 tolC::Tn10 ECM1194 × (ECM1174); Tc
 ECM1816 tolC::Tn10 ΔmdfA::Km ECM1556 × (ECM1176); Km
 ECM1888 tolC::Tn10 mdfR Stepwise selection on LBA + chloramphenicol (first at 1 μg/ml, then at 4 μg/ml) from ECM1556
 ECM1915 tolC::Tn10 mdfR ΔmdfA::Km ECM1888 × (ECM1176); Km
 ECM1911 tolC::Tn10 ΔmdfA::Km/pLQ821 ECM1816/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1908 tolC::Tn10 mdfR/pLQ821 ECM1888/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1955 tolC::Tn10 mdfR ΔmdfA::Km/pLQ821 ECM1915/pLQ821; Ap
 ECM1343 (AG100A) argE3 thi-1 rpsL xyl mlt Δ(gal uvrB) supE44 ΔacrAB::Km 31
 DH5α endA hsdR17 supE44 thi-1 recA1 gyrA relA1 Δ(lacZYA-argF)U169 deoR80dlacΔ(lacZ)M15] 2
 S17-1 thi pro hsdR recA tra+ 39
 pSUP202-mexA-phoA pSUP202 (Tcr Cbr CmroriT) carrying the 5′ upstream region of mexA fused to promoterless phoA gene K. Poole
 pSE380 trc promoter expression vector; lacIq Apr Invitrogen
 pAL261 Apr; pSE380 with EcoRI-HindIII PCR fragment containing the mdfA gene This study
 pLQ821 Apr; cmlA 3
 pMarR Apr; marR P. Miller

ΩHg, HgCl2 resistance derivative of interposon Ω; Gm, gentamicin resistance; Ap, ampicillin resistance; Cb, carbenicillin resistance; Cm, chloramphenicol resistance; Km, kanamycin resistance; Tc, tetracycline resistance; oriT, origin of transfer from RP4; wt, wild type. 


ABS and EFS, efflux pump inhibitors specific for the MexAB-OprM and the MexEF-OprN pumps, respectively; LBA, L agar. 


Description of transduction experiment. The first strain is the recipient; the strain in parentheses is the source of a transducing lysate. Antibiotics used for selection of transductants, transformants, or transconjugants are also shown.