FIG 2.
Epidemiologic, pathologic, and topographic characterization of the 52-craniopharyngioma cohort with a basal recess (CP-DR cohort). A, Bar chart shows the age distribution. Observe that no cases were diagnosed in the first decade. About 65% of cases occurred in adults between 30 and 60 years of age. B, Stacked bar chart comparing the distribution of histologic CP types between the CP-DR and the CP-nDR cohorts. All tumors with a DR belonged to the squamous-papillary type, only diagnosed in 23% of CPs without a DR in the adult CP population (P < .001). C, Stacked bar graph comparing tumor consistencies. Most CP-DR tumors had a homogeneous solid consistency (90%), whereas a mixed solid-cystic pattern was predominant among ACPs without a DR (61.5%) (P < .001). D, Topographic distribution of tumors. More than 80% of papillary CPs with a DR corresponded to strictly 3V tumors located above an anatomically intact 3VF. No CP-DR lesions originated at the sellar or suprasellar compartments below the 3VF (P < .001).