Pie charts summarising the proportion of countries’ National Focal Points and WHO Regional Offices’ responses related to constraints, perceived impact, and value associated to reporting data to Global Antimicrobial Resistance and Use Surveillance System (GLASS). Feedback was received by Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the WHO Regional Office for Africa and Regional Office for the East Mediterranean, in relation to 2017 and 2019 GLASS data calls. (a) Pie chart summarising the proportion of countries’ National Focal Points and WHO Regional Offices’ responses related to constraints associated to reporting data to GLASS. Feedback was received by Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the WHO Regional Office for Africa and Regional Office for the East Mediterranean, in relation to 2017 and 2019 GLASS data calls. (b) Pie chart summarising the proportion of countries’ National Focal Points and WHO Regional Offices’ responses related to perceived impact associated to reporting data to GLASS. Feedback was received by Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the WHO Regional Office for Africa and Regional Office for the East Mediterranean, in relation to 2017 and 2019 GLASS data calls. (c) Pie chart summarising the proportion of countries’ National Focal Points and WHO Regional Offices’ responses related to perceived value associated to reporting data to GLASS. Feedback was received by Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Tanzania, Tunisia, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe and the WHO Regional Office for Africa and Regional Office for the East Mediterranean, in relation to 2017 and 2019 GLASS data calls.