(A) Pulse kernels for neurons in FOF, PPC and mV2 with positive-going
responses to evidence. Periods when the response was statistically significant
are colored in red. Waveforms were normalized to the magnitude of the peak
response of the cell and sorted by the time of the peak. Periods when the
response was not significant were set to zero (colored in black). (B) Schematic
of the architecture of the neural network used to evaluate whether impulse
response functions could form a basis set for evidence accumulation. Network
output is a weighted sum of the deconvolved impulse response functions of each
neuron. The weights for each neuron (Wi) were adjusted using gradient
descent to minimize the distance between the network output and the target
function. The target functions were constructed using predictions of the time
course of the accumulator value, a, derived from a drift diffusion based
behavioral model (Brunton et al 2013). The
time course of the target function was defined by the function
in which F is the timing of the flashes on the preferred side and λ is a
leak parameter that was fit to the behavioral data. (C) Examples of network
output and target functions for λ = -1.7 (left panel), λ = 0.006
(right panel). (D) Performance of a neural network trained against a range of
target functions λ values ranged from -1.7 to 0.5 which is the range
observed in rats in our study. Network performance was quantified by the
variance explained (r2) between the trained network output and the
target function for λ = -1.7 through 0.5. (E) Schematic indicating two
proposed models for the generation of diverse temporal responses in
fronto-parietal cortex: delay lines (left panel) and iterative convolution
(right panel). (F) Examples of the waveforms of seven successive simulated
neurons in a chain shown for each model. For the iterative convolution model,
(purple; middle panel), the waveform of the ith neuron was
produced by convolving the waveform of i-1th neuron with the
waveform of the first neuron in the chain. For the delay line model (blue; lower
panel), the waveform of each neuron was produced by adding a 100ms delay to the
response of the previous neuron’s waveform. Waveforms were then
convolved with the GCaMP6f kernel to allow direct comparison with recorded
GCaMP6f signal. (G) Left panel: Schematic of the approach used
to quantify the timescale of the impulse response function for each neuron.
Right panel: Correlation between impulse response function
half-width and peak time across all neurons with significant visual components.
Each red dot represents the time course of the visual filter on the preferred
side for each neuron. Black line indicates the best fit (least squares) to the
data. Purple line represents the prediction of the iterative convolution model
and blue line represents the prediction of the delay line model.