Thin sections (7 µm) labeled with α-smooth muscle actin
(red), apoptotic cells (green), and DAPI (blue) reveal normal matrix deposition
(top left) and a very limited number of myofibroblasts (bottom left) in the
open-pore Stable configuration. However, abnormal matrix deposition, as depicted
by the faint pink staining surrounding mesh fibers (top middle and right
images), which corresponds to myofibroblast, is observed in the Unstable (bottom
middle) and Predeformed (bottom right) configurations. The small amount of red
staining in the Stable group corresponds to the smooth muscle in blood vessels.
Mesh fibers are delineated by asterisks (*), with more than one asterisk (** or
***) indicating more than one mesh fiber. The widely spaced fibers of the Stable
group, corresponding to open pores, contrasts with the fiber crowding due to
mesh deformation in the remaining two groups.