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. 2022 Sep 7;5(9):e2230359. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.30359

Table 1. Main Characteristics and Semen Parameters of the Study Participants.

Characteristic Participants, No. (%) (N = 205)
Age, mean (SD), y 29.49 (3.64)
BMI, mean (SD) 24.01 (1.61)
Income, yuan/working period, mean (SD)a 2463.42 (649.66)
Smoking status
Nonsmoker 31 (15.12)
Smoker 174 (84.88)
Alcohol consumption
Nondrinker 80 (39.02)
Drinker 125 (60.98)
Conventional sperm parameters, median (IQR)
SV, mL 2.5 (2.00-3.60)
SC, million/mL 54.07 (34.49-74.73)
TSC, million 128.79 (79.20-206.33)
TSM, % 51.01 (40.53-66.54)
PSM, % 40.13 (29.92-54.28)
Kinematic sperm parameters, mean (SD), μm/s
VCL 49.74 (10.14)
VSL 33.16 (7.86)
VAP 36.13 (7.96)
MAD, mean (SD), ° 53.86 (8.05)
Linearity, mean (SD) 65.21 (8.23)
Straightness, mean (SD) 88.12 (4.07)
Wobble, mean (SD) 72.24 (6.74)
ALH, mean (SD), μm 3.44 (1.12)
BCF, mean (SD) 5.09 (1.03)
NSM, median (IQR), % 10 (7.00-15.00)
DFI, mean (SD), % 18.85 (7.99)
Biochemistry parameters in seminal plasma, mean (SD)
ACP, U/ejaculate 71.05 (21.08)
NG, mU/ejaculate 7.4 (1.8)
Fructose, μmol/ejaculate 4.96 (0.86)
Zinc, μmol/ejaculate 4.76 (1.62)

Abbreviations: ACP, acid phosphatase; ALH, amplitude of lateral head displacement; BCF, beat cross frequency; BMI, body mass index (calculated as weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared); DFI, DNA fragmentation index; MAD, mean angular displacement; NG, neutral glucosidase; NSM, normal sperm morphology; PSM, progressive sperm motility; SC, sperm concentration; SV, semen volume; TSC, total sperm count; TSM, total sperm motility; VAP, average path velocity; VCL, curvilinear velocity; VSL, straight line velocity.


To convert yuan to US dollars, multiply by 0.15.